Trail running is a demanding discipline that combines endurance, technique, and sometimes the adventure of traversing rugged and remote terrain. For top athletes, it's crucial to be prepared for all eventualities, including minor accidents or health problems that may arise along the way. A well-equipped first-aid kit is therefore an essential part of any trailer's equipment. The aim of this guide is to help you put together a trail pharmacy that's both lightweight and complete, meeting the specific needs of runners in the mountains and on varied terrain. Find our best trail pharmacies and other trail equipment.

1. Trail pharmacy essentials

Dressings and bandages:

  • Adhesive bandages: Choose bandages of different sizes, suitable for cuts and scrapes. Choose water- and perspiration-resistant models.
  • Elastic bandages: Essential for supporting joints in the event of a sprain or strain. Compression bandages can also help manage muscle injuries.
  • Sterile compresses: To clean and protect open wounds, sterile compresses are essential. They should be individually wrapped.


  • Analgesics: Ibuprofen or paracetamol, for pain or headache management.
  • Antidiarrheals: Important, especially on self-sufficient routes where drinking water may be in short supply.
  • Antihistamines: For allergic reactions, especially if you're running in heavily vegetated areas or during high-pollen periods.


  • Tweezersand scissors: Useful for removing splinters or cutting bandages.
  • Adhesive tape: For holding dressings in place or repairing equipment in an emergency.
  • Hydroalcoholic gel: For disinfecting hands before and after treating wounds.

2. Skin protection and special care

On the trail, skin protection is essential, especially to prevent irritation caused by friction and climatic conditions.

Creams and ointments:

  • Anti-chafing cream: Essential for preventing irritation in chafing-prone areas such as armpits, between thighs and around rucksack straps.
  • Anti-inflammatory ointment: Useful for treating tendon inflammation and post-race muscle pain.
  • Lip balm: Protects against wind and cold, which can dry out and crack lips.

Sun protection:

  • Sunscreen: Choose a high factor and perspiration-resistant formula to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun during long hours outdoors.

3. Preparing and organizing your kit

Lightweight and compact:

  • Compact kit: Select a lightweight, water-resistant kit that's small enough not to clutter your backpack, but roomy enough to hold all your first-aid items.

Accessibility and practicality:

  • Well-organized sections: Use separate compartments or pockets to organize different types of medical supplies, this will facilitate quick access when needed.

Regular review:

  • Periodic check: Check your kit regularly to replace used or out-of-date items and adapt the contents to the specific conditions of the race ahead.

In short, a well-prepared trail pharmacy is a key element in the safety and well-being of top-level trailers. It must be both comprehensive, to cover a wide range of possible medical situations, and compact, so as not to hinder performance through excessive weight. Careful preparation of your first-aid kit can make a significant difference to the management of race incidents, enabling you to continue your mountain adventure with confidence and safety.

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